Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to Setup Free US VPN For Android

Are you frustrating by the internet censprship?There are serval countries which are taking strict internet censorship policy.So there are numerous people who are dwelling in those countries.Such as China,Iran,Syria, Morocco,Tajikistan and so on.They don't have internt freedom right.Some countries don't allow internet users to use Facebook,Twitter,YouTube or Skype for economic,political or regilious reasons.Do you want to unlock sites which have been blocked in some countries.Do you want to access those websites through Android?What you need is an US VPN.Setup an US VPN for android that you can go through the world.
How to Setup US VPN for Android to unlock websites.
Please refer below turorial:
Menu => Settings => Wireless & network => VPN settings => Add VPN => Add PPTP VPN
1)I will introduce one way to setup a free trial vpn for android.
1.1)Open Flyvpn official website.Get free trial vpn account: http://www.flyvpn.com/freetrial . For the free trial account's password will be refersh every 30 minutes.So users must get latest password from free trial vpn page.
Free Trail Account Servers: or;
1.2)If you have purchased one vpn account from http://www.flyvpn.com/purchase.php .You can see your personal vpn server here: http://www.flyvpn.com/User/VpnServers.
2) Note:if you want use free vpn account for android.You should enter or into "Set VPN Server".If you have bought Flyvpn account.You should get vpn server from your vpn account.Please choose PPTP protocol.

3)Click you have build vpn name,Then Type into Usename and Password.

Free Trial Account: Username:vpnu ;Password:Get it from http://www.flyvpn.com/freetrial ;
Pro-Account: Your Flyvpn Account's Username and Password.
Once connected,You will find there is a key at the upper left corner.If you cant connect it.Please change other US server.Practice makes perfect.

Anyone want to reblog this article,Please noted that this article address: http://freeusavpn.blogsopt.com .

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